Meet Our Therapist

Area of Interest:
– Mental Health Issues
– Psychotherapy
– Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

– English
– Chinese (Mandarin)

Consultant of InPsych
Clinical Psychologist 

Dr. Rachel Ting Sing-Kiat

BSc (Psych, Taiwan), MA (Clin. Psych., USA), PhD (Clin. Psych., USA)
California Licensed Psychologist: PSY23014

Registered Clinical Psychologist under Ministry of Health--Allied Health Malaysia (MAHPC-CP-00184)
Registered clinical psychologist under Malaysia Society of Clinical Psychology (CPI-0014)
Adjunct Faculty China University of Political Science and Law Beijing, China.
Fuller Graduate School of Psychology, Pasadena, California,United States

Dr Ting  holds the Bachelor of Science in Psychology from National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan,  Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology from Wheaton College (APA accredited), Illinois, USA, Master of Arts in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary USA, and Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology from Fuller Graduate School of Psychology (APA accredited). She completed her final year APA accredited internship (2005-2006) at University of California–San Diego, and her post-doctoral scholarship on the topic of “college student mental health and disability assessment” from University of Southern California (2007-2008). After completing her PhD program, Dr. Ting stayed at her alma mater from 2009-2008 as a Research Assistant Professor, teaching doctoral-level courses and coordinating scholarly team visits to China as the ambassador. In between 2008-2010, she joined HELP University in Kuala Lumpur as Senior Lecturer, where she pioneered the first private Master level clinical psychology program in Malaysia as a clinical training director and supervised the first two cohorts of graduates. Between 2012-2016, She was recruited to establish the Social work program as a full-time Associate Professor at China University of Political Science and Law (Beijing), in the roles of Vice Chair for the Social work program and Director for the Social work Lab she set up. Between 2018-2023, Dr. Ting joined Monash University (Malaysia), where she received her tenured Associate Professorship. She has played the role as unit coordinator, internship coordinator and program coordinator for Monash Malaysia Master of Professional Counselling Program. In 2024, she was elected as the Global Psychology Committee key member under American Psychological Association for service term of 2025-2027.

With over 20 years of clinical experiences under the licensure/registration as psychologists and supervisors across 3 major countries (United States, Malaysia, and China), Dr. Ting has a wide range of clinical expertise with clients struggling with depression, grief, trauma, relational problems, Learning Disability, religious and spiritual issues, and cultural identities. She has supervised thousands of certified mental health practitioners in China, Malaysia and the United States, and is frequently invited to conduct training in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Asian regions. In addition, Dr. Ting has been an active humanitarian worker who sets up and leads 2 current volunteer platforms in China (Barefoot Volunteer Services) and Malaysia (Safespace COVID-19 Malaysia), and trained over 300 volunteers in conducting Psychological First Aid. She is also an active member of Malaysia Society of Clinical Psychology and contributed as the chair for the Ethics Committee for 2 consecutive terms. Spearing community research and culturally appropriate mental health services, and cultivating next generation elites in doing indigenous psychology research have been her current passions of life. 

More about her professional profile could be access here: LinkedIn


California Licensed Psychologist: PSY23014
Registered Clinical Psychologist under Ministry of Health–Allied Health Malaysia (MAHPC-CP-00184)
Registered clinical psychologist under Malaysia Society of Clinical Psychology (CPI-0014)


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